2012, 8-01 , 星期三








BURBANK, CA, JULY 30, 2012 — Peter Jackson will make a third film in his upcoming adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, it was jointly announced today by Toby Emmerich, President and Chief Operating Officer, New Line Cinema, Gary Barber and Roger Birnbaum, Co-Chairman and Chief Executive Officers, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios, and Jeff Robinov, President, Warner Bros. Pictures Group.

2012年7月30日,加州柏本克-新線影業總裁兼營運總監Toby Emmerich、米高梅影業聯合主席兼執行長Gary Barber和Roger Birnbaum及華納兄弟影業公司總裁Jeff Robinov今天共同宣布,Peter Jackson改編自托爾金舉世聞名傑作的《哈比人歷險記》將拍攝成三部曲。

Jackson, the Academy Award®-winning filmmaker behind the blockbuster “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy, recently wrapped principal photography on what he originally planned to be a two-film adaptation of The Hobbit, which is set in Middle-earth 60 years before The Lord of the Rings.

以賣座大片《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》榮獲奧斯卡最佳導演的Peter Jackson,最近殺青了。原本預定拍攝成二部曲的《哈比人》系列影片,影片的時間背景設於中土時期,比《魔戒》故事背景早六十年。

Jackson stated, “Upon recently viewing a cut of the first film, and a chunk of the second, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens and I were very pleased with the way the story was coming together. We recognized that the richness of the story of The Hobbit, as well as some of the related material in the appendices of The Lord of the Rings, gave rise to a simple question: do we tell more of the tale? And the answer from our perspective as filmmakers and fans was an unreserved ‘yes.’ We know the strength of our cast and of the characters they have brought to life. We know creatively how compelling and engaging the story can be and—lastly, and most importantly—we know how much of the tale of Bilbo Baggins, the Dwarves of Erebor, the rise of the Necromancer, and the Battle of Dol Guldur would remain untold if we did not fully realize this complex and wonderful adventure. I’m delighted that New Line, MGM and Warner Bros. are equally enthusiastic about bringing fans this expansive tale across three films.”

Jackson說,「Fran Walsh、Philippa Boyens和我最近觀賞了第一部影片剪輯及第二部影片片段,對故事編排的方式十分滿意。我們意識到《哈比人歷險記》及《魔戒》附錄中一些相關內容的豐富性,這引發了一個簡單的問題:我們應該將故事說得更完整嗎?以身為電影製片人和影迷的角度來說,答案毫無疑問是「是的。」我們知道劇組成員及他們詮釋出的那些栩栩如生角色的魅力。我們知道這個故事的創造力多麼引人入勝。最重要的是,我們知道-如果我們沒有充分意識到這是一場多麼複雜而奇妙的冒險,比爾博.巴金斯、孤山的矮人王國、死靈法師的崛起和多爾哥多戰役的故事將無法完整呈現。我很高興新線影業、米高梅影業和華納兄弟影業公司抱著和我相同的熱情,決定將這個故事以橫跨三部電影的方式呈現在影迷面前。」

Emmerich stated, “We completely support Peter and his vision for bringing this grand adventure to the screen over the course of three films. Peter, Fran and Philippa’s reverence for the material and understanding of these characters ensure an exciting and expanded journey that is bound to please fans around the world. ”


“With the abundance of rich material, we fully endorse the decision to further develop what Peter, Fran and Philippa have already begun. We are confident that, with the great care the filmmakers have taken to faithfully bring this journey to the screen, the film will be welcomed by the legions of fans across the globe,” said Barber and Birnbaum.


Robinov added, “Peter, Fran and Philippa have lived in this world and understand more than anyone its tremendous breadth and scope, and the relationships that bind it together. We strongly support their vision to bring this great work fully to life. ”


The first film in the trilogy, “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey,” will be released December 14, 2012, with the second film releasing on December 13, 2013, and the third film slated for summer 2014. All three films will be released in 3D and 2D in select theatres and IMAX



From Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Peter Jackson comes three films based on The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. The trilogy of films are set in Middle-earth 60 years before “The Lord of the Rings,” which Jackson and his filmmaking team brought to the big screen in the blockbuster trilogy that culminated with the Oscar®-winning “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.

奧斯卡最佳導演Peter Jackson執導的《哈比人》三部曲改編自托爾金的《哈比人歷險記》。《哈比人》三部曲的時間背景設於比《魔戒》故事早六十年的中土世界。Jackson和他的製作團隊曾將《魔戒》搬上大螢幕,拍攝成三部曲賣座大片《魔戒三部曲:王者再臨》,榮獲奧斯卡最佳影片。

Ian McKellen returns as Gandalf the Grey, the character he played in “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy, with Martin Freeman in the central role of Bilbo Baggins, and Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield. Returning cast members from “The Lord of the Rings” Trilogy also include Cate Blanchett, Orlando Bloom, Ian Holm, Christopher Lee, Hugo Weaving, Elijah Wood, and Andy Serkis as “Gollum.” The international ensemble cast also includes (in alphabetical order) John Bell, Jed Brophy, Adam Brown, John Callen, Billy Connolly, Luke Evans, Stephen Fry, Ryan Gage, Mark Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Barry Humphries, Stephen Hunter, William Kircher, Evangeline Lilly, Sylvester McCoy, Bret McKenzie, Graham McTavish, Mike Mizrahi, James Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Lee Pace, Mikael Persbrandt, Conan Stevens, Ken Stott, Jeffrey Thomas, and Aidan Turner.

伊恩.麥克連(Ian mckellen)再度擔任《魔戒》三部曲中灰袍巫師甘道夫的角色,Martin Freeman飾演男主角比爾博.巴金斯,Richard Armitage飾演索林橡木盾。再度擔綱其《魔戒》三部曲中角色的還包括凱特.布蘭琪(Cate Blanchett)、奧蘭多.布魯(Orlando Bloom),伊恩.霍姆(Ian Holm),Christopher Lee,Hugo Weaving,Elijah Wood和Andy Serkis飾演的「咕嚕」。其餘劇組成員包括(按姓氏字母順序)John Bell, Jed Brophy, Adam Brown, John Callen, Billy Connolly, Luke Evans, Stephen Fry, Ryan Gage, Mark Hadlow, Peter Hambleton, Barry Humphries, Stephen Hunter, William Kircher, Evangeline Lilly, Sylvester McCoy, Bret McKenzie, Graham McTavish, Mike Mizrahi, James Nesbitt, Dean O’Gorman, Lee Pace, Mikael Persbrandt, Conan Stevens, Ken Stott, Jeffrey Thomas, 及Aidan Turner。


The screenplay for “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” is by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson & Guillermo del Toro. Jackson is also producing the film, together with Carolynne Cunningham, Zane Weiner and Fran Walsh. The executive producers are Alan Horn, Toby Emmerich, Ken Kamins and Carolyn Blackwood, with Boyens and Eileen Moran serving as co-producers.

《哈比人:意外的旅程》劇本由Fran Walsh、Philippa Boyens、Peter Jackson和Guillermo del Toro編寫。影片由Peter Jackson、Carolynne Cunningham、Zane Weiner和Fran Walsh製作。執行製片人為Alan Horn、Toby Emmerich、Ken Kamins 和Carolyn Blackwood,並由Boyens和Eileen Moran擔任共同製作人。


Under Jackson’s direction, all three movies are being shot in digital 3D using the latest camera and stereo technology. Additional filming, as with principal photography, is taking place at Stone Street Studios, Wellington, and on location around New Zealand.


“The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” and its successive installments are productions of New Line Cinema and MGM, with New Line managing production. Warner Bros. Pictures is handling worldwide theatrical distribution, with select international territories as well as all international television licensing, being handled by MGM.








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