就以我的部落格之前介紹過的新加坡與麻省理工合作的New University(我在麻省理工學院的友人告訴我們一個鮮為人知的事實。就在這同樣面臨不景氣的年代中,新加坡政府以五億美金做為預算,請卡內基美隆大學和麻省理工學院各自提出計畫來競標,要在新加坡成立一個新的,足以排名全球百大的大學,名為新加坡新大學(New University)。
(新加坡本來就跟MIT有過不少合作,像是這個是和MIT合作的遊戲實驗室,因為新加坡政府認定遊戲市場將是未來很重要的一個文創產業領域。https://gambit.mit.edu/ 他的縮寫還剛好就是XMENA裡面金牌手的稱呼呢~~~科科。)
其後該校正名為Singapore University of Technology and Design,麻省理工校長Susan Hockfield也在今年一月正式簽署了合作協定。
但即使是頂尖高校來說,他們並不會以與麻省理工學院的合作感到自滿,這世界上還有更多的學校會是他們的目標。今年九月,耶魯大學的校長和教育長就寫了一封信給校內的教師和行政人員,希望集思廣益,討論和新加坡國立大學一同建立一個亞洲首屈一指的通識學院(Liberal Arts School星島日報翻作通識學院~~~)的可能性,因為雙方已經簽訂了合作意向書,正繼續往研究可能性的方向走,而以新加坡的行動力來看,和耶魯大學的合作恐怕已經不遠了。
國立中央大學-美國紐約大學理工學院(1+2+1學士)[1][2] (全國第一所選送學士班學生的學校,詳細資料可參照所提供之註解或學校)
科技法律研究所-美國芝加哥馬歇爾法學院(John Marshall Law School)(1+1碩士)
IEMBA 跨國菁英碩士在職專班-荷蘭NIMBAS管理學院(1+1碩士)
Craig Chen
a. Your individual profiles
Craig Chen, PR and Eventing Company, MBA National University of Singapore.
b. Why you have all chosen to study in Singapore
Singapore Schools offers reasonable tuition fee with equivalent opportunities, even more, compared to US B-school. The super diversified environment and colleague create a competitive platform to brainstorm with different people. Moreover, the perspective from emerging market also add value for me, someone who would like to work for greater China area. In conclusion, the cost performance (CP ratio) is really high for studying in Singapore.
c. How you feel about studying and living in Singapore
In terms of education quality, the curriculum here is generally intensive. Students with clear goals here would create a competitive learning environment, which is helpful for learning professional skills. However, the intensive schedule of program results in lack of social activities, which may result in weak personal and emotional attachment between peers. The interpersonal relationship tends to be cold. Regarding living, Singapore is a well-organized city and actually the living cost here is not as high as their GDP, except accommodation fee. To summarize, Singapore is definitely a good place for studying and working, and if you love city life, Singapore is no doubt a good choice.
d. A photo of each of you, if possible.
(I am ok to share with my FB account).
Erica Chang
a. Your individual profiles
Erica Chang. 3 years at FMCG Industry, Taiwan.
MBA. Schulich School of Business, York University, Canada.
Exchange MBA for one semester, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
b. Why you have all chosen to study in Singapore
To be honest, many people are curious about why I study in Canada and came all the way back to Singapore for one exchange semester. The brightening prospect of Asia market is the most important reason that I chose NUS as my first priority. As I realize I got no competitive advantage against domestic student in Canada regardless of language or culture issues, I decided to focus on the Asia market after I graduate. As Singapore stands to be Asia’s business hub and the bridge between eastern and western culture, I think it would be great for my future job hunting if I can take this opportunity to study in Singapore, meeting different people and having some networking here.
c. How you feel about studying and living in Singapore
Singapore is a country full of energy and surprise. Government with strong executive force makes the country in good order all the time. Life here is pretty easy and comfortable; the mass transportation is quite convenient and eating is also cheap. However, the accommodation/ rent fee is super high (I think is comparable to that of HK). But I have to say that it is very cheap to fly from Singapore to other Asian countries coz they got many budget airlines here. Night life here is also terrific and fun! However, compared to Taiwan, living in Singapore is more like enjoy a “city life”. Except for bar/clubbing and shopping, there is no night market, no hot spring bath or other entertainments after work/school. You may feel boring after few months if you love to do some outdoor activities in the vacation.
Although Asian students are still the majority in NUS, you will find there are more and more western people choose to NUS to do their MBA; and some of them even start their first Chinese language course here.
d. A photo of each of you, if possible.
(I am ok to share with my FB account).
YiLi Cheng (Z)
a. Your individual profiles
YiLi Cheng, 31yrs, Engineering @ MediaTek, TW.
NUS-PKU Double Degree program
b. Why you have all chosen to study in Singapore
The best Asian school among all partner schools of PKU dual degree programs.
c. How you feel about studying and living in Singapore
High pressure, competitive environment. More distance between people.
各位有空可以自己看完,但我覺得特別有趣的是Young Entrepreneurs Scheme for Start-ups (YES! Start-ups)這一項,申請者必需符合的資格是二十六歲以下的新加坡人(或是拿到永久居住權的居民),第一次創業,是公司的關鍵執行者;然後只要通過評選,新加坡政府就會針對你每募集到的一元新幣補助四元新幣,而整體上限是五萬新幣。(約一百萬新台幣)這個的目的是鼓勵年輕人第一次創業和成立自己的新公司,聽起來是個相當不錯的作法,不知道台灣能不能夠參考這個部分研擬類似的政策呢?
Singapore Government schemes for start-ups and SMEs
Singapore is a very pro-business environment with a number of initiatives that make investing and working in Singapore a breeze. There are several government investment agencies that entrepreneurs can approach, such as the Economic Development Board and SPRING Singapore.
In particular, SPRING works with partners to seed and nurture innovative start-ups and to build a pro-enterprise environment. It provides a range of resources to assist companies in their start-up journeys, with a long-term vision to foster more start-ups into globally competitive brands.
These are the available financing schemes for start-ups in Singapore:
1. Business Angel Funds
In encouraging experienced angel investing, SPRING SEEDS Capital works closely with three pre-approved private business angel funds to co-invest and nurture growth-oriented, innovative start-ups. Similar to the Startup Enterprise Development Scheme (“SEEDS”), this is an equity-based co-financing option for Singapore-based early-stage companies.
If the start-up is able to obtain investment interest and commitment from any of the three business angel funds, SPRING SEEDS Capital could potentially match the intended amount (dollar-for-dollar) of up to a maximum of S$1.5 million. Both SPRING SEEDS Capital and the business angel group will take equity stakes in the company in proportion to their investments.
The start-up may approach any of the business angel funds directly for their investment consideration, if your company meets the following :
• must be Singapore-based with core activities carried out in Singapore
• must be incorporated as a Private Limited company, and for less than 5 years
• has paid-up capital of at least S$50,000
• is able to evidence substantial innovative and intellectual content for its products and/or services and/or applications
• has high growth potential with clear scalability for the global market
SPRING SEEDS Capital Pte Ltd (SPRING SEEDS Capital), a wholly owned subsidiary of SPRING Singapore, manages the SEEDS investment fund.
The SPRING Start-up Enterprise Development Scheme (SPRING SEEDS) is an equity-based co-financing option for Singapore-based start-ups creating innovative products and/or processes, possessing intellectual content and strong growth potential across international markets.
SPRING SEEDS Capital co-invests into commercially viable local start-ups, with differentiated value proposition and matches dollar-for-dollar to third-party investor(s), up to $1million, upon investment approval.
To date, SPRING SEEDS Capital has invested in various growth sectors such as science and technology, information communications technology and business services space.
For applicant
To be eligible for investment consideration, interested start-ups must :
1. be a Singapore-based company with core activities carried out in Singapore
2. be incorporated as a Private Limited company and for less than 5 years
3. have paid-up capital of at least S$50,000, but not more than S$1 million
4. be able to evidence its substantial innovative and intellectual content for its products and/or services and/or applications
5. have high growth potential with clear scalability for the international market
6. have identified a ready, independent third-party investor(s) who is prepared to conduct due diligence on the company, invest at least S$75,000 into the business and demonstrates the ability to value-add and contribute to its growth
For investor(s)
1. The corporate or individual investor(s) must not have prior interest in the company at the point of application.
2. The corporate investor(s) must be legal entities with a minimum paid-up capital of $500,000.
3. Individual investor(s) should :
a. possess management experience, relevant business contacts and/or necessary technical expertise that can add value to the start-up
b. not be related to the founder(s) of the start-up
c. maintain arm’s length transactions with the founder(s) and start-up
d. have at least one third-party investor or his nominee take a Board of Directors seat in the start-up, should the investment be supported by SPRING SEEDS Capital
3. Technology Enterprise Commercialisation Scheme (TECS)
SPRING is committed to the growth and development of innovative and competitive enterprises. As part of our efforts to develop a new breed of technologically innovative global enterprises, the Technology Enterprise Commercialisation Scheme (TECS) aims to catalyse the formation and growth of such start-ups based on strong technology Intellectual Property and a scalable business model.
We recognise the risks involved in the R&D of entirely new, innovative and potentially market-changing technology IP. Hence, through the TECS, SPRING provides early-stage funding to successful applicants to fund such R&D efforts towards the commercialisation of proprietary technology ideas.
The TECS is a competitive grant in which proposals are ranked based on the evaluation of both technical and commercial merits by a team of reviewers, and the best are funded. Submissions can be made through this TECS portal anytime, throughout the year. Proposals are reviewed every two months or earlier.
Your Idea Or Project Must :
1. Clearly demonstrate how science/technology is applied
2. Be of a breakthrough level of innovation (i.e. Distinctly different or absolutely new technology which either (1) has the potential to disrupt an existing market; or (2) to replace, or even create, a new market/purpose/niche.)
3. Riskier and further away from the market
4. Lead to or build on proprietary know-how/IP
5. Be commercially viable
Applicants Can Be :
Start-up Companies Registered for less than 5 years at time of award
1. At least 30% local shareholding
2. Company’s group FAI below $15 million
3. Maximum 200 employees (for service sector)
4. Incorporated & physically present in Singapore
5. At least one in-house research scientist or engineer (RSE)
Research Scientists and Engineers (POC Projects Only)
1. Currently working in a public sector research organisation
2. Willing to demonstrate entrepreneurial commitment to the commercialisation of any IP that arises from successful completion of the project
4. Young Entrepreneurs Scheme for Start-ups (YES! Start-ups)
This scheme provides funding support of up to S$50,000 for youths to set up their innovative startup.
Financial Assistance
SPRING matches S$4 for every S$1 that you raise through self-funding, schools or third-party sources, the grant is capped at S$50,000. For example, if you apply for a S$40,000 grant, you must match this with a S$10,000 investment.
The grant can be used for business development expenses such as :
• Manpower and operating expenses
• Purchase of equipment, software, materials and consumables
• Acquisition of intellectual property (IP) right
• Professional services
• Marketing/promotion activities
Applicant :
• Singaporean/PR, below 26 years old. Parental consent must be sought for those applicants 18 years old and below on the date of application
• 1st time entrepreneur
• key driver in the company
Startups :
• existing business/company is incorporated for less than 6 months
• company’s main business activities are based in Singapore
• applicant must hold at least 50% equity
• engage in high growth activities with substantial developmental contents
• company has not received funding from the iJam Microfunding scheme
5. Employment Pass for Entrepreneurs (EntrePass)
The EntrePass is for non-Singaporean entrepreneurs who are ready to start and operate a business in Singapore.
All applicants must fulfil these requirements :
• Company must be registered as a Private Limited Company with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority – Singapore’s national regulator of businesses and public accountants.
• Applicant to hold at least 30% of shares in the company.
• Company to have at least $50,000 paid-up-capital. A bank statement, from the Singapore-based company bank account, of at least $50,000 is required for verification.
• Company must not be registered for more than six months at the point of application.
• The business must not be illegal.
• Examples of businesses that will not be considered for the EntrePass include :
o Coffee shops, hawker centres, food courts
o Bars, night clubs, karaoke lounges
o Foot reflexology, massage parlours
o Acupuncture, traditional chinese medicine, herbal dispensing
o Employment agencies, geomancy
6. Long-Term Visit Pass for Entrepreneurs (LTVP)
This pass is for entrepreneurs who require a longer term stay in Singapore to explore business opportunities, conduct feasibility studies or business negotiations for starting a business in Singapore. The pass allows the entrepreneur to leave and re-enter Singapore within the validity period without having to re-apply each time.
Eligibility criteria:
1. Applicant must provide evidence of project-plan for an emerging business in Singapore and/or presence of a Singapore joint-venture partner; OR
2. Applicant is representing a parent company with established track record and has a presence in global/regional markets or is looking for a presence in the global/regional markets.
Validity period:
1. The Long-term Visit Pass for Entrepreneurs is valid for a maximum of six months (please note that a shorter period may be granted).
2. Applicant may leave and re-enter Singapore within the validity period of the Pass.
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